Welcome, my name is Jeffrey Morgan
I am a movie and TV studio executive, a practicing California attorney, a musician, a poet, a nonprofit leader, and a systems thinker.
The most important thing to know about me is that my spiritual practice is the center point of my life, the work I do, and how I serve. I have been a student of Soul Transcendence, also called the Yoga of the Sound Current or Surat Shabd Yoga, from a young age.
Along with this inner call to know the reality of Spirit within me, I have come into this life with a strong intuition and calling to unconditional service. This intuition has allowed me to assist other people in seeing and releasing patterns that do not serve them, so that they may more fully perceive the greater reality of who they are.
I see my job in working with people as bringing the very best of my multi-faceted experience and availability to Spirit.
That often means helping reveal the connections within connections that no one seems to see and offering a different perspective that unlocks new awakening. See for me, I cannot help but see those connections everywhere and at all times.
Everything we do touches so many people without us even knowing. The foods we eat, the technology we interact with, the fuels we consume, even the ideas and mental models we use to understand them.
The real challenge we face in this world is not one of finding the right solutions. It’s actually that we often do not ask the RIGHT questions because we can’t see the full picture.
So, the questions we ask become deterministic and predictable and the answers we get are as inevitable as they are incomplete.
Often the key to healing or achieving the results that we want is simply a matter of clearing the blocks we have created to the natural flow of Divine Love. My teacher says the master addiction on the planet is control or rather the illusion of control.
Humans often experience through a conditioned inner reality, built on beliefs, addictions, subtle influences, and even past life memories.
There are infinitesimal fibers in the tapestry of our experience on this planet. We are multi-dimensional beings who experience multi-dimensionally.
To navigate and thrive within the vastness of this inner reality, sometimes you need a different way of looking.
And that’s where I come in...